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At the Corps there is a partnership between the Commanding Officer and the Corps Support Committee.  The Commanding Officer is responsible for the development and implementation of the training program which consists of mandatory and optional elements. Department of National Defense sets the mandatory elements and provides the necessary personnel, equipment and financial resources for this program. The Support Committee provides the Commanding Officer and his staff with the necessary volunteers, equipment and financial resources to conduct the optional element. It is at the corps level where cadets are recruited, trained and retained. A big factor on corps strength is cadet attendance and retention which depends mainly on the type and quality of the activities conducted. It is through a good relationship between Commanding Officer and the Support Committee that the required support can be provided and the cadets can participate in an energetic, challenging and fun program.

Support Committee Annual General Meetings

Members of the Support Committee may attend the Annual General Meeting held each May.  Parents and guardians of 2573 RCACC cadets are automatically members of the Support Committee with full voting privileges at General Meetings. Other members of the community who are interested in supporting the corps may apply for membership.  Please contact the Support Committee Executive for more details.

Support Committee Monthly Executive Meetings

Support Committee Executive meetings are for elected Executive members who vote on the business of the Committee; however, to encourage enthusiastic volunteers, any parent/guardian or other member of the society is welcome to attend.

If you have an agenda item, please discuss it in advance of the meeting with the Committee Chair who may add it to the agenda.

The Committee Executive meets the first Tuesday of every month at 7 PM at The LCol J.P. Fell Amoury.

New Parent/Guardian Orientation Session

A new parent/guardian orientation session is held in September each year.

Parent/Guardian Volunteers

Volunteers are most welcome and are critical to the success of our cadet program. If you are interested in volunteering, please speak with one of the Committee Executive Members.

We rely on parent/guardian volunteer drivers for fundraising activities such as Tag Days and Poppy distribution.

Regular volunteers, including those on Support Committee Executive, sub-committees or regularly assisting with activities, are required to undergo registration and security screening, as the safety and security of our cadets always comes first.


Speak to the SC Fundraising Chair or Treasurer if you or your company would like to donate funds or goods to the Corps Support Committee. Income Tax donation receipts may be issued should the donation qualify under Canada Revenue Agency guidelines.

If you volunteer with the Corps, check if your employer has a volunteer program. Many employers will make a financial contribution to the organization where you volunteer once a certain number of hours has been completed, or make matching donations.

Executive Committee

Janet Moore,  Chairperson
Karmyn Turner,  Secretary
Richard MacDonald,  Treasurer
Olga Borissova,  Director at Large
Betty Ong,  Director at Large

The website of 2573 - 6 Engineer Squadron Royal Canadian Army Cadet Corps. This site has no affiliation with the Canadian Armed Forces or Department of National Defence. The purpose of this site is to inform current cadets, prospective youth and their parents about the basic function of our squadron and the various events we participate in.

© 2024 by 2573 6 Engineer Squadron RCACC. All Rights Reserved.

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